Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Brodie Scimitar fighter/scoutship

The Brodie Scimitar

The Brodie Scimitar was developed and built a year before CEO Marcus Brodie died. The Scimitar was originally designed to replace the Centaurion/Wolf Two-Man Scoutship. After a year of 'test flights', Fleet decided to keep the Two-Man Scoutship. Brodie was going to scrap the ship until they realized that it was popular amongst mercs. It is Armed with two rack-mounted Blasters, one rack-mounted missile launcher and an AID 'Melter' Pulse Cannon bolted on outside the ship, requiring the second Gunner to put on a ENVI-Suit and hop outside.

Brodie Scimitar

Total Mass:

Mass Value:

Cost: 372,ooo credits

Crew: 1-3(eighteen weeks, 2 five weeks, 3 three weeks)

Passengers: None

Maintenance Cost: 8,000 credits every eight weeks

Cargo Capacity: Ammo bay(1), equipment locker(1), weapons locker(1)

Scan Sensors: Display(1)

Internal Sensors: Diagnostic(1)

Passive Sensors: Proximity Alert(1), Energy Alert(1)

Probe Sensors: Ship to Long

Weapons: Two forward facing mounted Blaster Cannons(Damage Value 36, Range 1-5/8/10/20), one forward facing rack-mounted missile launcher with one HE missile(Damgae Value 35), one 'turret-mounted' AID "Melter" Pulse Cannon(Damage Value 28, Range 2-3/5/8/10)

Hull Toughness: 22

Facings: 5

Armour: TOU +3/25

Shields: Iridium Compound, value TOU +3/28

Reaction Drive: Size 27, durability 10

Maneuver Rating: +3

Q-Drive Rating: 28

Energy Plant: Fusion Reactor, value 10

Total Energy Points: 150

Combat Energy Points: 89

Standard Energy Points: 51

Energy Point Breakdown: Life support(3), weapons locker(1), ammo bay(1), scan sensors(2), internal sensors(1), passive sensors(2), probe sensors(2), blasters(26), AID "Melter" Pulse Cannon(2), IRC Shields(15), reaction drive(27), maneuver+3(3), Q-Drive(35), computer(5)

CPV: 9, storage capacity 13

Total Computer Points: 60

Combat Computer Points: 43

Standard Computer Points: 30

Computer Point Breakdown: Life support(3), weapons locker(1), ammo bay(1), scan sensors(2), internal sensors(1), passive sensors(2), probe sensors(5), blasters(10), HE missile(3), IRC shields(1), reaction drive(11), maneuver+3(3),

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