Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Type: Planet
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Saturated
Gravity: Light
Terrain: Jungle, Volcanic mountains
Length of Day: 12 standard hours
Length of Year: 300 local days
Sapient Species: Humans(N)
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Natural resources
Government: Monarchy
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Ammonia
Major Imports: High-tech goods
Member of Republic: Yes
System: Siril
Star: Akel (orange)
System Log
Siril (inhabited, type I)
Moons: Quexon, Karal
Maxon (gas giant, mining colony, type III)
Asteroid Belt
Capsule: Siril is the main planet of the Siril system. It has a single continent, which is dominated by jungles and some volcanic mountains, with the rest of the planet covered in ammonia oceans. The general populace of Siril, which are mostly humans, dwell in one of three cities, Yekzo (the capitol), Yekzon, and Yekzoni. Siril is currently ruled by King Lexol III, though he is but a puppet of the Royal Council, made up of the powerful nobles who act as governors for the cities. The planet is famous for it's huge Royal Library, which rivals the library in Republic City.

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